
Before selecting and utilizing Sharps Injury prevention devices, a review of current clinical and administrative guidelines to achieve optimal and cost effective compliance and desired outcomes is essential.

The Post Medical Resource Center has compiled relevant regulatory and clinical information that you need to design a program and select products that will best fit your needs.

Post Medical’s line of sharps containers and high security container cabinets combine the best in features and technology that are designed to help end-users to economically comply with clinical and regulatory guidelines.

Today’s healthcare professionals and medical facilities work in partnership to establish sharps injury prevention protocols and to select medical devices designed to support the organization’s policies.  

According to several federal and state regulators, managing controlled substances beginning with storage through sharps disposal requires organizational protocols designed to protect against occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens, protect against diversion and follow infection control protocols.

Adding to the urgency,  the opiate epidemic has charged healthcare workers and facilities with implementing new diversion prevention surveillance measures to insure a secure pharmaceutical supply chain from storage through administration and disposal.  


Locking tamper-proof metal cabinets for securing sharps waste in medical and non-medical facilities

Showing 1–2 of 3 results


Leak-tight locking sharps containers for safe handling, transport, and storage of infectious waste

Showing 1–2 of 7 results


Accessories for cabinets and containers, including stabilizers and more

Showing 1–2 of 6 results